Saturday 7 July 2012

Creative ideas from T-shirt design to training camp

Four proposals for a new school T-shirt Eugen Schmalenbach.
Halver. "The best place for your talent." This award may discover who takes the time to look at the artistic photographs that adorn a wall in the basement of the old-Schmalenbach vocational colleges. He might as well be the motto of this year's project week at his East Village, the results - including those just photos - on Thursday were presented at the school festival.

Every two years there is usually a project week. "The last week of school before the holidays is always a bit tough," said teacher Julia Kruger, in whose hands the organization, the WR-conversation in the background while the school band with songs from the charts for the musical framework provides. Therefore, the project would work as well as their presentation at the school festival is a welcome change. Almost since it is obvious: "Pupils and teachers have been through a great commitment."

What is the outcome can be proud of - from the basement, where in addition to the images from the photo project "The school, in my view" and wall paintings - including a romantic sea-beach, created by "Effi and Miriam" - the concrete a colorful face . give An artist will continue, thanks to the project group "beautification area", in different classes, which were also highly decorative and embellished in the future certainly more motivated than ever to learn to be.

"Taking part in the week, our full-time students," said Stefanie Fröndhoff teacher. "The idea came partly from the teachers, but also partly caused by suggestions of the students themselves," and whose creativity was not only by the artful "spice up" the space for expression.

"Attended a group whose members are already on our voluntary weekend trip to London, has a guide for the subsequent school together," explains General Julia Kruger. This includes - of course, written in English - a selection of worthwhile attractions and a list of personal advice, so-called "do's and don't's" is recommended in the example, to save the visit to "Madame Tussaud's" way too expensive far too long lines - and there's finally wax museums around the world!

"Another group has shot as part of our Comenius project under the theme 'restaurants in their home countries,' a video about the brewery in Lüdenscheid," says Stefanie Fröndhoff. The corresponding video from Turkey had already arrived, the work of Bulgaria and Poland would be expected. "And of course there are some students walked in the footsteps of our namesake, professional colleges, Eugen Schmalenbach, and have researched this in Cologne."

DFB football badges earned
Other project topics: "The creation of a website about a week a canoe trip with an overnight stay, paper cutting crafts, 'If the emergency event' with police and fire department visit, ecological management at the example of an organic farm in Upper Bruges, keyboarding - and a project to current financial position, "is one of Julia Kruger.

Special "treats" among all attractive projects: "Our athletes have attended a training camp at the sports field upper Bruges," says Julia Krueger - and four students received while the DFB football badges, sometimes even in gold. "In addition, a group of school T-shirts with logos, has designed its own, the students can now order it."

Since one can only say: Well, that FGB offers so much space - in the face of such great talent.